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«Second Start»: Yura Avetisyan

85-year-old violinist Yura Avetisyan has always dreamed of a healthy and active life. For almost half a century, he has been leading a healthy lifestyle: he falls asleep early, gets up early, does exercises every morning, and eats right. Classical music and a beloved like-minded wife also contribute to his longevity.

Grandpa Yura, who climbs the stairs leading to the booth on the third floor of the Public Radio, faster and lighter than the younger ones, admits that although he is 85 years old, he does not consider himself a grandfather, and he does not feel the need. give up your seat on public transport.

«I am pleased that I am healthy at this age, that is, I do not take any medication, I do not go to the doctor. I am 85 years old, but this is the first eighty-five, when I reach 100, I will go down: 100, 99, 98…» Grandpa Yura jokes, expressing his conviction that good music affects health, because it is love.

«“I go to bed early at 9, wake up early at 5-6 in the morning, first of all I do exercises, then I walk and walk in the park, have breakfast and go to work at 9, after work we go for a walk with my wife, there is nothing special,» says grandfather Yura, introducing his young fitness trainer, with whom they work out in the gym to improve his physical fitness.

«There is a special exercise program for the elderly, and the responsibility when working with them is higher. In addition, at the trainings you learn new things from life, you get energy, you recharge,» Vlad tells about the peculiarities of working with the elderly, urging other colleagues to work with the elderly, because they need these trainings most of all.

«It’s a great motivation for me to work with an older person, because with this work I show that there are no age restrictions in sports,» Vlad explains, promising to continue training live on his Instagram.